News & Events

Annual Day 2024-25

BVM Global Perungudi celebrated its Annual Day on October 26th at the prestigious Anna Centenary Library Auditorium. The event was graced by esteemed guests Kalaimamani Dr. Gayatri Girish and Kalaimamani Shri. Sikkil Gurucharan, who served as chief guests for the junior and senior sessions, respectively.


The celebration showcased a dazzling array of student performances, including captivating orchestras, mesmerizing classical dances, and engaging plays presented in English, Hindi, Sanskrit, and French. The overarching theme, "Concordia Vires" – Harmony is Strength, resonated throughout the event, emphasizing the importance of unity and collaboration.


The auditorium was filled to capacity with a proud and enthusiastic audience comprising parents, students, alumni, and grandparents. Students from Kindergarten to Grade 12 presented a series of spectacular performances, leaving the audience spellbound with their talent, dedication, and creativity.


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