News & Events

Math Club Report 2022-23


Math Club

Math Club provides a platform for the students to enjoy numerals, display mathematical skills

and perceive the connection of mathematics and its concepts with real life.

Math club also organised a number of competitions for students of all classes for the academic year 2022-23. The topics for the primary wing were Patterns with numbers and shapes, Abacus activities, Matchstick puzzle, Number puzzles and Magic square  while the  senior class students were given the task of solving various Math puzzles.


Ramanujam Day


GANIT - Growing Aptitude in Numerical Innovations & Training Week , an initiative by

CBSE, was celebrated on 22.12.2023 to commemorate the birth anniversary of Mr.Srinivasa Ramanujan. Various activities were conducted for students from class 1 to 4 in the junior block and 5 to 8 in the senior block. Students participated with great enthusiasm in the Rubik’s cube solving and enjoyed the stimulating exercise of the mind and hands.

 Poem recitation on Ramanujam by Kiruthikarani of class 7 and a dance performance in types of angles by class 9 girls, were worth mentioning


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